This collection is about escapism and transformation. In times of uncertainty and the feeling of being trapped with no exit, we look to escape or transform ourselves into something new.  It is how we approach that dilemma that builds us closer to who we will inevitably become. We ascend into this new world of technology, shedding our old shell, yet the lingering feelings of uncertainty remain; “Was the right decision made?” Are we transforming ourselves and our world into something ideal or monstrous; maybe both? 

Other animals and organisms accept transformation, enduring the unknown with grace, so why can’t we? 

Is it this vulnerability in times of uncertainty and metamorphosis that make us human? 


We pass this video to you all in loving memory of Rix Chan.

In Rix, we found great inspiration channeled through their performance art: a culmination of improvisational, diverse movements within a physical space. They embodied us and our designs with light and endurance, possessing a full conceptual take to the creative direction of our brand. Rix, in you we found a vibrant muse. We all hold great appreciation for your presence in our lives.

We will carry the days we’ve formed together very closely.